Sublime text editor is a programming IDE very productive and nowadays popular too, here you can find some basic useful shortcuts to keep in mind.
This is for the Sublime Text v2 Linux, the Windows version has some minor differences.Ctrl + M -> Switch between the start/end braces of a if/switch statement
Ctrl + Shift + P -> Open commands menu
Ctrl + Alt + Q -> Start/Stop recording a macro
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Q -> Play recorded macro
Ctrl + D -> Select the word where the cursor is (then you can use F3 to find the next similar word)
Shift + Alt + Up/Down -> Multiple cursors
Alt + O -> Alternate between source and header file
Ctrl + Alt + P -> Switch between projects (you need save a project before, to be shown in the list)
Ctrl + . -> Go to declaration
Ctrl + , -> Return from declaration
Ctrl + / -> Comment selected lines with "//"
Ctrl + B -> Run build script
Ctrl + Shift + B -> Run code
Ctrl + ` -> Python console
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